Catching lobsters with fire

Since time immemorial, man has always been a genius in his survival. He uses every available technique to adapt and for existence. Fuvahmulah is the only one island atoll in the Maldives. From any point around the island’s beach, look at the horizon, you will not be able to visualize a nearby island or lagoon. The closest island… Read More »

Fascinating behavior of crabs eating

According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, “Species which prey upon hard-shelled Dungeness crabs include humans, sea otters, octopus and Pacific halibut; larger Dungeness crabs and staghorn sculpin are important predators on juvenile Dungeness crabs in some areas. In the soft-shell state, they are preyed upon by many additional species.” View this post on Instagram A post… Read More »

Catching Oriental sweetlips

This vibrant fish with mosaic of whites, browns and yellows live a serene and peaceful life in their habitat. They are distinct by the fleshy big lips and yellow and white stripes. They can be found swimming alone and in groups. Oriental sweetlips (kanduguruva) inhabit near corals and rocky reefs and stays inside these formations at day time.… Read More »